Keep tabs on repairs, renovations, or general maintenance - link vendors and track due dates, invoice & PO numbers, cost estimates, and due dates.
Keep track of work items and tasks related to repair, maintenance and general upkeep of your properties, as well as the invoice numbers, PO numbers, important dates, and costs related to those activities.
Prioritize work orders by completion status - to do, in progress, completed, pending, etc.
Attach photos of damage, work in progress, vendor invoices, receipts, and more.
Assign individual work items to specific vendors and contractors to perform the work, estimate costs, update actuals, and track invoice numbers.
Generate work order sheets for contractors - just print or email to vendors right from RentalVault.
Track expenses at the work order level for greater insight into which properties are the most costly.
Send work order detail reports to any vendor with an email address, with just one click.